Call us today! 610-713-5048

Schedule AnAssessment

Let’s have a discussion about what home care services you are looking for.

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Submit YourReferrals

Refer your family or friends who might need home care assistance.

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Client SatisfactionSurvey

Let us hear your honest opinions and thoughts about our services.

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Meet OurCaregivers

Meet the capable and skilled caregivers who will be taking care of you and your loved ones.

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Welcome to Benie Home Care LLC

Benie Home Care LLC brings dedicated care and support to individuals and families needing home care assistance. With our services, we provide our clients with the opportunity to safely remain in the comforts of their own home, regardless of age or physical ability. Our caregivers are compassionate, patient, skilled, and they are qualified to provide a broad range of home care services that can be modified according to your needs.

  • We offer you with reasonably priced, yet high-quality services that you and your loved ones can rely on.
  • We offer a long list of home care services that you can choose from, depending on your needs and situation.

Contact Information


203 W Baltimore Ave.Lansdowne, PA 19050


610-713-5048 (on call 24 hrs 7 days a week) Fax: 610-713-5049


Monday - Friday: 9-5pm

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